This is a safety device used to prevent aircraft from overrunning runways when the aircraft cannot be topped after landing or during aborted takeoff.
Give first priority to separating aircraft and issuing safety alerts is your ___ priority.
This word indicates; I have received your last transmission.
This training is a process designed to aid in the prevention of aviation accidents and incidents.
This word is used when an error has been made in the transmission and the correct version follows.
These procedures allow VFR aircraft to operate in weather conditions less than basic VFR minima.
Use this word only when prompt compliance is required to avoid the development of an imminent situation.
This NAVAID is voice capable.
This call sign prefix is used by FAA aircraft engaged in flight inspection/certification of navigational aids and flight procedures.
Provide ATC service on a first come first served basis as circumstances permit is your ___ priority.
Where the capability exists, who will determine which operating positions, individual frequencies, and landlines will be recorded.
Use this with an aircraft on initial contact when initiating the transmission.
Use this word only when expeditious compliance is required to avoid an imminent situation.
This FLIP is an airport/facility directory containing an alphabetical listing of ATRCCs and NAVAIDs, as well as military and select civil airports use by the U.S. Military.
For an urgency condition the word ___ should be used in the initial communication, preferably repeated3 times.
These are established at 1,200' AGL and extend up to but not including 18,000' MSL.
(Interphone transmissions) Give ___ priority to clearances and control instructions.
This phrase is used to request a repeat of the last transmission.
On a Low Instrument Approach Procedures Chart, the birds-eye view of the airport and approach data can be found in what sections.
Provide ___ handling to caviling air ambulance flights.
What assistance to you proved to search and rescue aircraft?
What procedure is a published IFR arrival procedure assigned to aircraft inbound to the terminal area?
Jet Routes are located in Class ___ airspace.
What procedure is designed to help ATC separate aircraft on departure while providing the aircraft with obstruction clearance and a transition to the enroute structure?