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Arlington National Cemetary

Teacher: Charlotte
Famous general who lived in the Arlington House since he married into the Custis family
The Tomb of the Unknown soldier is guarded rain or_____.
"Custis-Lee Mansion" The mansion, which was intended as a living memorial to George Washington, was owned and constructed by the first president's adopted grandson.
The Tomb of the Unknowns is a monument dedicated to American service members who have died without their remains being identified.
Arlington Cemetery encompasses a total of 624 _______.
These two presidents are buried in Arlington Cemetery.
National Cemetery where all service men and woman may be buried.
Soldiers plant these in front of every tombstone on Memorial Day
A formal ceremony in which sentries providing ceremonial guard duties relieve a guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
The hours in a day that the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is guarded
Who employs all the workers at Arlington Cemetery
Organization of women to assist and comfort the families of service men and women who gave the ultimate sacrifice, their life.
The property was confiscated by the federal government when property ______ levied against Arlington estate were not paid.
The eternal flame burns at this president's gravesite.
Arlington is the only national cemetery to hold servicemen from every war in U.S. history, name of one war