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Priority Placement Program

PPP: Tamika Brown
What type of appointment can a military spouse registrant accept and still remain in the program?
Are managers permitted to interview ?
Applies only if the spouse entered into the marriage with the military sponsor prior to the ____ date of the new duty assignment?
Military Spouse can lose their spousal status due to____?
Military spouse preference applies only with the__ area of the permanent duty station of the sponsor?
How many skill sets can a registrant have?
You are eligible for this hiring category if you have completed 52 weeks in an appropriate fund position and performed under a local hire appointment _______.
Will a military spouse terminate his/her status if decline a position?
What is the name of the database that requisition PPP?
How many days do a registrant have to accept/decline a continuing position?
Spouses preference ____ be used only once for each PCS move.
Name a document that must be attached when applying for federal government position as military spouse?
Spouse preference is available for AF position or equivalent ____ grade positions.
What type of resume do a registrant need?
Spouses preference eligibility begins ____days prior the sponsor's reporting date to the new duty station
EO 13473 can be register for the highest ____for which you are determined to be basically qualified for?