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Text Analysis and Elements of a Short Story

Vocabulary: Mrs. R. Coriano
Is the part of a story or drama, it also introduces the characters, setting, and the basic situation.
Is a struggle a character experiences between his or her own feeling, desires, or beliefs.
Is the high point of interest or suspense.
Is a conversation between characters that may reveal their traits and advance the action of a narrative.
A brief summary told to entertain or to make a point
Is the act of creating and developing a character.
Is the sequence of interrelated events that make up the action.
Is the general term for literary techniques that portray differences between appearance and reality, or expectation and result.
The time and place of the action.
Is a struggle between opposing forces.
Is a statement that seems contradictory but that actually may express a deeper truth.
A character's sudden flash of insight into a conflict or situation.
Takes place between a character and an outside force.
Is the main character.
Is a person or an animal who takes part in the action of a literary work.
Opposes the main character, creating conflict.
Is the writer's attitude toward his or her audience and subject.
When events come to a close.
Is a central message into life revealed through a literary work.
Is a classification of literary works that share certain elements, such as character types and common plot patterns.