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Puzzle Type: Educational
Lead: Stansifer, Court
Chemical model for the creation of ATP within a mitochondrion.
This substance is required for any form of ATP production
This protein is made in the liver and secreted into the blood to increase oncotic pressure.
The movement of molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration.
A common cause of Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome (MODS)
Chemoreceptors are found in the aortic arch and the ________ bodies.
These structures are found at the entry and exit to a capillary and control blood flow within.
The basic unit of energy required for active transport mechanisms through the cell membrane. (two words)
Specialized nerve endings found in the heart and great vessels that help regulate cardiac output and blood pressure.
The function of this passage is to warm, humidfy, and filter air as we breath it.
Organelle responsible for managing the many functions within a cell.
This enzyme is released by the kidney when blood volume is reduced, and triggers events that lead to increased blood pressure.
This substance is responsible for converting angiotensin I into angiotensin II and is secreted in the lungs.
This substance is produced as a biproduct of anaerobic metabolism. (two words)
This hormone is made in the anterior pituitary gland and helps regulate hydration.
Any solute that carries an electrical charge, and is required by many cellular functions.
This element is required for aerobic metabolism
This digestive substance is made in the liver and stored in the gallbladder.
The movement of water from an area of low concentration to an area of high concentration.
Any condition that causes fluid to build up within a tissue.
Condition in the body in which pH falls below 7.0
This type of fluid medium will cause a cell to eventually overhydrate and lyse.
This type of cell migrates to injured tissues and engulfs dying cells as well as foreign substances.
Created by the heart, this force moves water into the tissues and will lead to edema if unregulated.
The _______ bilayer is the component of the cellular membrane that repels water. (two words)
This dangerous condition is often a non traumatic cause of cardiac arrest.
Chemoreceptors respond to changes in oxygen, pH, and ________ within the blood.
The most abundant type of tissue in the body.
A substance that can freely pass through a phospholipid bi-layer is said to be _______ soluble.
The basic functioning unit of the kidney.