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Fluid and Electrolyte Nur 101

Fluid and Elecrolytes: Karen HArvell
White blood cells
Fluid in the space surrounding the cells.
I should always be equal.
Minerals and salts that are dissolved in body fliuds
transports water, nutrients, oxygen, waste to and from the cells
Degree of elasticity
Fluid within the blood vessels ,contains large amounts of protein, and electrolytes.
Necessary for formation of bone, teeth, and blood coagulation.
Selectively reaborbs or excreted by te kidneys.
Na+ > 145mEq/L.
water passes freely across cell membranes
K+ Major cation. Helps maintain normal heart rhythm.
Signs and symtpoms include: complaints of dizziness, dark concentrated urine, dry cracked lips, dry mucous membranes
Fluidsfound in spinal, cerebrospinal, pleural spaces.
Red blood cells
Ca+ <8.4 mEq/L.
Fluids contained within the cell wall.High in K+.
Na+ less than 135mEq/L.
K+ > 5.0mEq/L
Ca+ > 10.6 mg/dL.
when blood volume drops
Necessary for Nerve transmission and involved with muscle contraction.
Normal range 7.35-7.45