“Everything is funny as long as it is happening to somebody ____.”
― Will Rogers, goodreads.com
From the start, I've been told there were only two true lanes in the 2020 contest for the Democrat Presidential nomination: a liberal one dominated by Mr. Sanders and a moderate one led by Mr. Biden. I thought that wasn’t right, but evidently I was wrong (last name) --NYT, 03/05/20
T-Shirt seen at Lowe's, Palm Springs, 03/08/20: "Ban Agent ______ " with picture of Trump (color)
"All my life I wanted to be somebody. Now I see that I ______ have been more specific" --Lily Tomlin
The first 10,000 homo sapiens lived in ______ (continent) --"Cosmos: Possible Worlds," National Geographic, 03/08/20
Recipe for homemade sanitizer: 2/3 ___ rubbing alcohol, 1/3 ___ aloe vera gel (for the 60% recommended alcohol solution), 8-10 drops of a scented essential oil (optional, but nice) (kitchen measurement) --Grant Butler, "The Oregonian," 03/04/20
"I think about my death at least once a day. I say to myself, 'Am I living my life? Am I enjoying my life today?' Because this is not a _________. This is it." --Bruce Willis
Worst showing of an incumbent President running for reelection ever (the year was 1912) (last name) --"Race for the White House," CNN series, 03/08/20
"I'm not really a Democrat. I just vote "Not Republican." Democrats are like _______ to me. I'll use them, I guess, because it's safer, but it doesn't feel good." --Michael Che, SNL's " Weekend Update," 03/07/20
All seats are sold (initials)
Prefix meaning “to confine in or place on” --dictionary.com
The act of attacking, plundering, preying --lexico.com
"Intimacy blossoms because the relationship becomes a safe place rather than a competitive ___________" --Anon
Measure of smartness (initials)
Dept of the Interior initiatives under Trump: push to allow oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, make it more difficult to designate a species as endangered, moved BLM headquarters to Colorado, open one million acres in California to ________ --commondreams.org
At that time --lexico.com
Oxymoron: Act _________, --oxymoronlist.com
Make a given impression on the mind; appear --dictionary.com
"I think alot of the folks voted the way they did the last time almost to burn the house down, just out of frustration with everything. Now the house is on ___" --Pete Buttigieg, "Today Show," 03/09/20 Did Pete leave the campaign too early?
Biden unexpectedly won in Texas. Apparently, because he appealed to Hispanic voters whose first language isn't _______ either --Stephen Colbert, 02/04/20
The coronavirus only has cell receptors for lung cells (i.e., it only infects your lungs). The only way for the virus to infect you is through your nose or mouth via your _____ or an infected cough or sneeze onto or into your nose or mouth --James Robb, MD, FCAP, past UCSD pathology professor, one of the first molecular virologists in the world to work on coronaviruses
A ____ will not prevent the coronavirus in a direct sneeze from getting into your nose or mouth--it is only effective to keep you from touching your nose or mouth --James Robb, MD, FCAP, past UCSD pathology professor, one of the first molecular virologists in the world to work on coronaviruses
A vehicle with treads or wheels designed to travel on rough uneven ground (initials) freedictionary.com
Alphabetical vowel sequence