_________ is a lower level skill in Bloom's Hierarchy (3rd level) in order to break down or distinguish parts and components of organizational structure so it is more clear.
Avoid Band-aid ___________ and direct problems solving activities at the cause.
Making connections at the end of the analytical thinking process is __________
__________is the highest level learning skill in blooms hierarchy requiring originality and inventiveness to form a coherent or unique new whole.
An _____________is a judgement or generalizations influenced by experiences and values.
The _________ domain of Bloom's Hierarch is divided into 6 levls of learning skill arranged hierarchically.
____________________ is a characteristic way of thinking about people, situations, events and ideas.
__________ is a lower level (5th) skill on Blooms hierarchy and is the ability to grasp, or construct meaning from oral, written, and graphic messages.
A statement of _____ is presented as objective, real, and verifiable.
Engaging your _____intelligence can help promote personal success.
_______________Is the raw material for thinking.
_______taking and hard work are ingredients of creativity.
__________intelligent people defy negative expectations.
______Thinking is clear, reasonable, reflective thinking focused on deciding what to believe or do.
____________is a higher level (2nd) skill used to judge, check, and critique the value of material for a given purpose.
A statement of __________is a belief, conclusion, or judgment, sometimes impossible to verify.