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Teacher: Ms. Jones
Compact steam sterilizer that has a chamber volume of no more than 2 cubic feet and that generates steam when distilled water is added
Abnormal virus like proteins that do not contain DNA or RNA
Steam containing more than 3% entrained water: steam that is too wet
Maximum allowed exposure to a chemical
Visual means of monitoring the humidity in the sterile storage area
Immediately or at once
Steam that contains 3% entrained water
Short term exposure limit
Package that has visible moisture on the outside, such as dropets, or inside such as a wet towel or tray liner
Documented record of the mechanical operation of a sterilizer that verifies that time, temperature and other cycles
Rotating stock to ensure that the oldest supplies are used first
Dehydrated gram positive rod cell with a thick ,hard, shell like covering capable of surviving extreme heat.
Water vapor in a state of equilibrium between condensation and evaporation
Gaseous state of any substance (steam
Cleaning ,packaging, labeling, and sterilization of an item or set that has been opened or used