Part of the emblem that represents the organization's foundation and unity.
Guidelines on what has to be worn at important events or LDEs by its members: Black skirt with black nylons or black slacks, black shoes, white collared blouse or shirt, An official FFA tie or scarf with the FFA Jacket.
Continuously demonstrating those qualities, attributes, and skills necessary to succeed in, or further prepare for, a chosen profession while effectively contributing to society.
Part of the emblem that represents freedom.
A guideline on how FFA members should conduct themselves at all times, found on p. 30.
Made up of three pieces: the classroom or lab instruction, the FFA/local chapter organization, and the SAE or project.
FFA makes a positive difference in their lives of students by developing their potential for leadership, personal growth, and career success through agricultural education.
A 5-paragraph saying written by E.M. Tiffany that reflects the member's growing beliefs in agriculture and its education.
Leadership Development Events; events where you go to demonstrate leadership skills.
Learning to Do, Doing to Learn, Earning to Live, Living to Serve.
The FFA's official __________ is the Pledge of Allegiance.
Students whose lives are impacted by FFA and agricultural education will achieve academic and personal growth, strengthen American agriculture and provide leadership to build healthy local communities, a strong nation and a sustainable world.
Career Development Events; events where you go to demonstrate specific future career skills.