Be worried or anxious
World's largest economy (initials)
"I wonder, what will you tell your children was the reason to fail and leave them facing the climate chaos you knowingly brought upon them?" (last name) --@ the World Economic Forum in Davos,, 01/21/20
Archaic land-leasing laws kept the Agua Caliente tribe from developing their land until the late 1950s. Discriminatory housing practices kept African-American and Latino families from living in better-developed parts of the city, so the tribe's landowners rented Section 14 land to families of color. Around the late 1950s and early 1960s, city leaders sought to develop that Section 14 and over the course of a decade, families were ordered to leave and moved to outer parts of the city (city name), 01/21/20
Dress length, type of Cooper auto
Most CA voters vote by_____. Primary ballots will be received by Feb 2, the same day as the IA caucus, 01/21/20
Jared Kushner has lost his ________ clearance and been reassigned to the Trump reelection campaign. Let's hope he loses there too --Jimmy Kimmel, 01/16/20
Republican Party: "illegitimate, bunch of sycophantic traitors mouthing ______ propaganda" (political center) --Ronald Reagan Jr, FB poster, 01/18/20
"I think that this administration, if they wanted to, could have passed comprehensive immigration reform and taken credit for the achievement. Unfortunately, this president believes that it is more useful for him to divide us around the _______ than it is for him to take credit for the achievement, and so we continue entering our 35th year or so since there’s been meaningful reform --Buttigieg, NYT editorial board interview
Shoe dress facilitator; hard outgrowth on the head of some mammals
" . . . every time the United States has tried to pursue its interest at the expense of its values, sooner or later that’s caught up to us" --_________ (last name), NYT editorial board interview
Passed in 1970 'to "assure safe and healthy working conditions" (initials) --Wikipedia
Resist, oppose
Disney Axes “Fox” From 20th _______ Fox Name --"Hollywood Reporter," 01/17/20
On this the third anniversary of the Trump presidency, the question is has democracy survived the worst person on earth? The answer: _______ --Jimmy Kimmel, 01/20/20
Predominant population of western Asia, north Africa and western Indian Ocean islands --Wikipedia
NYT Times Editorial Board assessment of a candidate in the running to be the Democrat Presidential nominee: Aged, health a concern; overly rigid, untested and divisive policy proposals. We see little advantage to exchanging one over-promising, divisive figure in Washington for another (last name) --01//19/20
Bear Grylls to face his toughest challenge yet – attempting to survive in a post-______ Britain (political movement) --Brit satire website, 01/17/20
Outlet for outdoor supplies, headquartered in Kent, WA (initials)
Frequent tweeters --puzzles.usatoday, 01/20/20
Arranged like rays of a circle
Hillary on ______, "He has said I was unqualified. I had a lot more experience than he did, and got a lot more done. Then she reaffirmed what she had said earlier about him--that nobody likes him, nobody wants to work with him, he got nothing done (first name), 01/21/20
Ken _____, named to Trump's defense counsel team for the pending impeachment trail, was labeled a "lunatic, disaster, off his rocker" by Trump in a 1999 "Today Show" interview, when _____ was investigating Bill Clinton. Trump, a public supporter of Clinton at the time, would register as a Democrat in 2001 (last name), 01/18/20
Dennis the Menace to Mom,"How come good clothes never get to have ___?" --cartoon,, 01/21/20
'70's U.S. Rep and '80's NYC Mayor (last name)
Ronald Reagan Jr descriptions of Trump: "incompetent, traitorous, detestable ______ man" --FB poster, 01/18/20
Programming computers to do human activity (initials)
Fairy godmother or magician's rod
Wear, chafe
Preposition indicating movement in a forward direction
". . . nonviolence is the answer to the crucial political and moral question of our time . . . . man must evolve for all human conflict a method which rejects revenge, aggression and retaliation." --excerpts from his Nobel Prize acceptance speech 12/10/64 (initials), 07/12/17