CA voters who receive a standard "No Party Preference" ballot without any presidential primary candidates can still request a ballot with the Democratic presidential candidates on _____ Tuesday election day --palmspringsdesertsun, 01/16/20
This State's once Senators: Andrew Jackson, Andrew Johnson, Al Gore, Bob Corker (abbrev.) --Wikipedia
General, President, Gettsyburg resident (nickname)
Academy-Award-nominated Actor ____ Neeson of "Schlndler's List" fame
Usually a reference to a lifeless thing
"I’ve never been a big Zuckerberg fan. I think he’s a real problem." Facebook can host false information with no consequences, whereas a newspaper would be sued. --_____ (Presidential candidate last name), NYT 01/17/20
Trump announces a series of new rules and guidance memos designed to push federal funds to religious organizations and advance ______ in public schools --NBC News, 01/16/20
Fewer than 5% of Americans contribute to _________ campaigns --Presidential Candidate Yang, Colbert show, 01/15/20;
"When someone shows ___ who they are, believe them the first time" --Maya Angelou
Looking at a photo of the Presidential debaters in IA, "caucus" must be short for "__________" --James Corden, 01/14/20
Desperate, pressing
Pressure was to announce an investigation into the ______, not corruption in general (last name, plural) --Parnas, Rachel Maddow show, 01/15/20
Aid Trump was denying to Ukraine was all aid, not just ________ --Parnas, Rachel Maddow show, 01/15/20
Most strategic/articulate Presidential candidates: Buttigieg and ____ (last name)?
Spent, needing rejuvenation
"Democrats Demand That Giuliani Be Trump’s Lawyer at Impeachment _____" --Satarist Andy Borowitz, New Yorker Mag, 01/14/20
"Trump Hotel, one big ___ pool" --Indicted Giuliani associate Lev Parnas,, 01/16/20
"__ La Land." Oscar-winning movie of 2016
State ceded by the British Empire in 1846, 60% of its residence live in its biggest metro area (abbrev.) --Wikipedia
“To have this amazing opportunity at 51 years old is just beautiful. I can’t believe it.” Much of the story is about Abby, the character, finding opportunities to live, when she has just about given up hope. “I think the story is really based on my life.” --Abbey McEnany, on her ground-breaking new series on Showtime, "Work In ________", 12/04/19
Appendage extremity (noun); give a ____, applaud; with "up" or "out," help
Style, direction
"I thought of Trump as my Savior" --Parnas. Stephen Colbert response, : I understand. Every time I see Trump I say "_____!" --01/15/20
"It's costing me twice as much to live beyond my _____ as it used to" --"Shoe," cartoon, "The Desert Sun," 01/16/20
NV to NM direction (abbrev.)
Homer's religious, cheery next-door neighbor
Title of 1/16/20 Stephen Colbert Show: "___ Affair Gone Wrong"
Giuliani correspondence in Ukraine: It's gonna work. I have #1 on it. Stephen Colbert comment: #1, who's in some deep ______ 2 (spelled out) --01/15/20
Most popular song on "The Band Greatest Hits" album,"The Weight," features the lyric "Take a load off, _____" --itunes
Prefix for "arm" or "cast" --puzzles.usatoday, 01/17/20
Ukraine to Cuba direction (abbrev.)
37 ACROSS, 58 ACROSS synonym (abbrev.)