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CJ 1 Semester Final Word Search

Illegal for a Juvenile - Not an Adult
Reasonable Force can be used to Protect Life in your Home
Physical Harm
Estimate of Crimes Committed
Men's Control Over Women's Labor/Sexuality
Offense Punishable by Death in the U.S.
Criminal Intent
Purpose: To Determine if There is Probable Cause
Verbal Harm
Low-Level Brain Neurotransmitter Found in Impulsive Murders/Arsonists
Punishment to Prevent Individuals from Committing Crime Again
Illegal because laws define them as such
Entering a Suspect's Name, Charge, Prints, and Photo into Police Blotter
Assumption to Explain Why or How Things are Related to Each Other
Penal Sanction used to Prevent Undesired Conduct &Provide Retribution
Purpose: Enter a Plea
Failure to take Precautions to Prevent Harm
Theory with Reintegrative Shaming as a Policy Implication
A Criminal Violation of a Political Jurisdiction
A Person Predisposed to Crime
Wrong in Themselves