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Respiratory System & Circulatory System

__________ is the liquid that carries oxygen and nutrients to your cells and waste away from your cells.
__________ help your blood clot to make a scab when you're cut.
__________ is a clear yellow liquid in your blood.
Teeny tiny blood vessels called _____________ trade oxygen for carbon dioxide.
________ blood cells defend us from germs and viruses.
The trachea splits into 2 tubes called the ____________.
The windpipe that leads from your mouth to your lungs is the __________.
Every cell in your body needs a gas called _________ to survive.
You breathe our carbon dioxide along with water __________.
Air enters your lungs when a flat muscle called the _________ contracts.
_______ blood cells contain iron and carry oxygen.
The circulatory system is made of blood, the heart, and the blood ___________.
Blood's path makes a _________ that goes back to your heart.
Blood vessels called ___________ carry oxygen-rich blood away from your heart.
Blood vessels called __________ bring oxygen-poor blood back to the heart.