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Ky'ra's Scientific Crossword Puzzle

Teacher: Ky'ra Joyner
the ability to be excited to a characteristic action or function by the application of some stimulus
to test or verify (a scientific experiment) by a parallel experiment or other standard of comparison.
the cycle of growth and asexual reproduction of a cell
an aggregate of similar cells and cell products forming a definite kind of structural material with a specific function, in a multicellular organism.
the maximum, equilibrium number of organisms of a particular species that can be supported indefinitely in a given environment
pertaining to, associated with, or restricted to a particular territory or district; local. something that demands attention or action; an unavoidable obligation or requirement; necessity
a form of life considered as an entity; an animal, plant, fungus, protistan, or moneran.
composed of several or many cells
the division of the cell cytoplasm that usually follows mitotic or meiotic division of the nucleus
having or consisting of a single cell.
a grouping of tissues into a distinct structure, as a heart or kidney in animals or a leaf or stamen in plants, that performs a specialized task.
an environmental factor that tends to limit population size
a decimal system of weights and measures
part of the process of gamete formation, consisting of chromosome conjugation and two cell divisions, in the course of which the diploid chromosome number becomes reduced to the haploid.
the oxidation of organic compounds that occurs within cells, producing energy for cellular processes.
the period of the cell cycle during which the nucleus is not undergoing division, typically occurring between mitotic or meiotic divisions.
to become physically worn; lose flesh or strength; become emaciated or enfeebled change of residence, position,
any such living thing other than a human being. a mammal, as opposed to a fish, bird, etc. a group that has a genetic relationship or common origin, as a race.
a basic tenet of modern biology, first stated by Matthias Schleiden and Theodor Schwann in 1838–39, that cells are the basic units of structure and function in living organisms
part of the process of gamete formation, consisting of chromosome conjugation and two cell divisions, in the course of which the diploid chromosome number becomes reduced to the haploid.