Peter’s university nickname.
The charitable organization that Mark O'Brien is involved with at work.
The number of grandchildren Mark O'Brien has.
Peter's daughter's first name.
The awards committee that Mark O'Brien has been a big part of.
Mark O'Brien's birth order position.
The name of the dog that owns the house Mark O'Brien lives in.
The Italian island where Mark Smyk's geology skills were a welcome relief from Another Bloody Cathedral or the ABC tour.
Mark O'Brien's curling position.
The make of car that Mark O'Brien drives.
The northwestern Ontario community Mark Smyk was born in and is retiring in.
The island on which Mark O'Brien is hoping to someday retire.
A city that Peter Hinz used to live in.
Mark O'Brien's favourite fruit to eat at the office.
The activity that Peter did on lunch breaks on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
The source of Peter's craft ideas.
The university where Mark, Mark and Peter got their geology degrees.
Peter’s favourite hot beverage.
The type of apology Mark Smyk dressed up as for Halloween this year.
The first name of the person that Mark Smyk calls his greatest contribution to the world of geology.
One of the countries that Mark O'Brien's family members came from.
The treat that Peter Hinz brought in for the office many times.