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Fetal Development Tic-Tac-Toe

Teacher: DocScott
Shunt between the RA and LA diverting blood from the fetal pulmonary circulation
Latin suffix meaning "enzyme"
Fluid in the tissues
Pituitary hormone establishing and maintaining the supply of breast milk
Prefix meaning "milk"
Number of the hypoglossal nerve
Prefix for "away"
Condition where the placenta covers the cervical opening
What is expected if the 23rd pair of chomosomes is XY
Embryonic layer giving rise to the skin and skin derivatives, as well as the nervous system
Small, flaring structure of a nostril
Bone forming the posterior portion of the pelvis
Medical abbreviation for "respiratory distress syndrome", a potential respiratory complication for newborns
Embryonic layer giving rise to skeleton, muscles, heart, blood vessels and kidneys
Abbreviation for hormone known as the pregnancy hormone that signals the corpus luteum to be maintained in order for the pregnancy to continue until the placenta is able to take over.
Implantation of an embryo outside of the uterus
Latin prefix used in muscles which means "away"
Connection between the fetus and placenta facilitaing the exchange of nutrients and wastes between fetus and mother
Latin term meaning "lip"
Position of the foramen ovalve which closed after birth.
Medical abbreviation for "newborn"
Term for pregnancy; period from fertilization until the end of the pregnancy
Prefix meaning "animal"
Roman numeral for the optic nerve
Prefix meaning "same"
Process of regular uterine contractions which results in the emptying of uterus (baby and placenta)
Retina receptor interpreting colors
Now term used for the first 8 weeks of development. Traditionally, period did not start until week 3.
Atomic symbol for the highest concentrated extracellular positive ion
Medical abbreviation for "spontaneous abortion"
Medical abbreviation for "theraputic abortion"
Traditionally the time period from week 9 to birth
Prefix meaning "childbirth"
Union of ovum and sperm
Atomic symbol for magnesium (or abbreviation for milligrams)
Atomic symbol for selenium
Abbreviation or slang pfor education
Latin prefix meaning upon
Alternative forms of a gene
Essential element for strong bones and release of neurotransmitters
Shunt from the pulmonsry trunk to the aorta bypassing pulmonary circulation during fetal life.
Silk-like hairs that coat the fetus
Temporary endocrine organ which nourishes the developing fetus and regulates gas and waste exchange
Number of the glossopharyngeal nerve
Number of months for normal human gestation
Prefix meaning "toward"acru
"To __ or not to __"
Pleural for "egg" (Latin)
First location of blood cell production
Abbreviation for Los Angeles or "a note to follow so"
Innermost layer of the fetal membrane
Waxy, cheese-like substance that protects the delicate fetal skin until birth
Cartilage forming the majority of the fetal skeleton
___ mater is the innermost meningeal layer
Embryonic layer that gives rise to the GI tract, liver, pancreas, and lungs
Precursor of the CNS formed from the ectodermal layer
Blood group resulting if your genotype consists of the codominant alleles
Latin prefix meaning "two
Element that pregnant women may need more of
Patients condition if arterial blood pH is less than 7.35
Prefix for the outermost layer of the fetal membrane
What is expected if the 23rd pair of chomosomes is XX
Another term for newborn (the "n" in NICU)
Fertilized egg
Parents male child
Medical abbreviation for "obstetrics"
Classification of solution with pH greater than 7
Medical abbreviation for "bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy"
Letter before "S"
Abbreviation for blood pressure