Refers loosely to the food you consume which can be used for medical treatment by restricting salt, sugar, fat, protein, carbohydrates, calories, or water
Latin suffix meaning "enzyme"
Elimination of undigested food and waste products through the anus
Medical abbreviation for barium enema
Common abbreviation for "gastrointestinal"
Latin prefix for "rectum"
Medical abbreviation for IV solution you may use for dehydration of volume expansion
Combining form for the intestine and usually used to mean small intestine
Secretion helping to clean the teeth, allow for taste, and allows formation of the food bolus for swallowing
Stomach cell producing both HCl and intrinsic factor
Medical abbreviation for transesophageal echocardiogram
Medical abbreviation for IV solution you may use for dehydration of volume expansion (hint: part of the name refers to salt)
Lymphatic capillary in the small intestinal villi
Medical abbreviation for soapsuds enema
Cranial Nerve X which stimulates peristalsis of the stomach and secretion of gastrin
Specialized venous pathway that carries blood from the digestive organs to the liver for processing before it passes to the IVC
Atomic symbol for silicon
Name given to the "fuzzy" appearance of the microvilli of the small intestine
Another way to refer to the mouth
Produced and released from the stomach but required by the small intestine for vitamin B-12 absorption
Atomic symbol for trace element zinc
Atomic symbol for trace element chlorine
Inactive form of stomach's major protein digesting enzyme which needs HCl to activate
Latin prefix for "stomach"
Latin prefix for "tongue"
Enzyme which breaks down lactose (into glucose and galactose)
Atomic symbol for trace element selenium
Latin prefix for "bile" or "gall"
Medical abbreviation for a possible cause of "heart burn" which can be aggravated by progesterone or spicy foods
Term given to the liquid stomach contents formed by food mixed with digestive juices
Midline, chisel-shaped tooth for cutting into food