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Graph Theory

"no larger one contains this one"
An edge whose endpoints are equal
A graph with an equal number of vertices and edges in a circle.
_________ Postman Problem
An orientation of a complete graph
Maximal connected subgraphs
If a graph is isomorphic to its complement
Simple graph whose vertices can be ordered so that two vertices are adjacent iff they are consecutive in the list
An edge whose deletion increases the number of components
A vertex whose deletion increases the number of components
An acyclic graph
If V(G) is the union of two disjoint independent sets.
A graph with no cycle
Number of vertices in a graph
If a graph has a drawing without crossings
A set of pairwise adjacent vertices
Minimum number of colors needed to label the vertices so that adjacent vertices receive different colors
Length of its shortest cycle
Set of non-loop edges with no shared endpoints
A connected acyclic graph
A tree in which a single path is incident to every edge
Number of edges incident edges
"The Obvious Necessary Conditions are Also Sufficient"
Vertex of degree 1