Antibody associated with allergic responses
Organ important for helping you defend against bacteria with capsules
General term given for all lymphatic tissue found associated with lining of external openings
Source of oxygen which could kill strict anaerobic bacteria
The pH of the stomach which can be deadly for most bacteria
Early induced proteins made by viral infected cells which stimulates nearby cells to make antiviral proteins
Structure that keeps lymph flowing back toward the heart
What can result from bad studies such as a link between childhood vaccines and autism
Cytotoxic lymphocyte representing the 3rd major subtype of lymphocytes
Lymphoid nodules found associated with the nasopharynx and oropharynx
Innate immunity chemical associated with the eyes
Major barrier forming major part of the innate immune system (location of stratified squamous epithelium)
Molecules important for cell-to-cell communication important for immunity
Direction of an efferent lymphatic vessel carries lymph (relative to lymph node)
Medical abbreviation for multiple myeloma (a hematological malignancy)
Structure carrying fluid that has leaked out of capillaries.
Medical abbreviation for the autoimmune disease multiple sclerosis
Lymphocytes producting specific antibodies
Atomic symbol for element (not calcium) that may be important for muscle activity
Medical abbreviation for "lactated ringers", an IV solution
Risk for Rh-positve newborns of Rh-negative mothers, especially if no prenatal care occurred during the pregnancy
Product of the sebaceous glands with antimicrobial properties
Immunoglobulin able to cross the placenta
Only source of natural passive immunity or the medical abbreviation for milk of magnesia
Bacterial growth factor which can be removed by active macrophages
Atomic symbol for the major extracellular electrolyte
Site of maturation of B-cells
Prefix meaning "away" (used in term for muscle movement away from the midline.
What you have if your immune system can produce antibodies to a specific pathogen
Number associated with the Vagus nerve
Abbreviation for medical examiner
Antimicrobial protein which coats bacteria and enhances phagocytosis
Molecule produced by NK cells and cytotoxic T-cells that form pores in the target cell membrane.
Abbreviation for "saturation", term associated with blood gases.
Amino acid carrier active in translation
Subdivision of MALT found in the respiratory system
Medical abbreviation for "over-the-counter" which are drugs or remedies that need to be included in medical history
Vasoactive mediator found in the granules of mast cells and basophils