A forest antelope; red-gold color
Who went with Jane her first time to Gombe?
Jane's surname (last name).
Jane's title of at the research center.
Dense, thick, underbrush formed of grass and bushes (paragraph 42)
Sounds chimps make to communicate are also referred to as __?__.
East African country where Jane went to study wildlife.
Chimps eat plants and _?_.
Extremely unhappy or uncomfortable.
What type of creature did Jane study?
The abbreviated term (name) for "Chimpanzees"?
Acting suddenly without thinking or caring about the consequences.
The time of day Jane would get up to go explore/another term for "morning".
Another name for a national park is an animal __?__.
Both Jane and her husband loved and respected __?__.
Creatures that resemble (look like) raccoons.
The place Jane and her Mum set up and stayed at; it later became the research center location.
To disappear without a trace.
The title of Jane's Dutch husband.
Who was the cook Jane and her Mum hired?
Jane Goodall would be described as an __?__ woman who is not scared to take risks and go do new things.
The groups of chimps were all part of one large ___?__.
One of the dangerous predators in the forest,