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Periodic Table

Teacher: periodic table
Ease and speed with which an element combines
An element that lacks most of the properties of a metal
Arrangement of elements showing the pattern of properties
Rows on the periodic table
Metals that are less reactive than metals in groups 1 and 2
Elements that are good conductors of heat and electricity
A metal that is liquid at room temperature
Protons + Neutrons
An alkaline earth metal that melts at 648.8 degrees celsius
The only nonmetal in group 14
Deterioration of metal
The most reactive metals on the periodic table
Have properties of both metals and nonmetals
A word that means man made; all elements after uranium in the periodic table
groups that have metals, nonmetals, and metalloids in them
Salt formers, group 17
Substances that conduct heat or electricity under some conditions
Can be pulled into wire
Shorthand way to write the name of element
Created the first periodic table
An alkali metal used in making fireworks
The number of protons
The most reactive of all the elements; it is in group 17; found in toothpaste
A gas at room temperature; you need it to breathe
Columns on the periodic table