Takes charge of Huck's money to keep Pap from stealing it
Tells Huck a riddle about Moses
She knows that Huck really isn't a girl
Tom would love to be one if he could
Huck saves Jim by hinting that the people on the raft have this
His hair hangs down like greasy vines around his face
Huck's are different from those of his society
Younger and more educated than the King
One who believes in or advocates for the end of slavery
The drunken brunt of the locals' jibes
They're at war with the Grangerfords
Kills a man in cold blood and tells the lynching mob that they're all cowards
Literary device that uses ridicule or scorn to expose vices and follies
Peter Wilks' brother who is a deaf mute
The language peculiar to a people or to a district
In "The Fish", the speaker sees this before she let's the fish go
Highly serious; grave; somber; gloomy
Huck thinks he is going to this place for not turning Jim in
In "The Highwayman", the dashing man brandishes this high above his head
At his death, he leaves his estate to his daughters and two brothers
Is in love with Sophia Grangerford
Pretends to have been a pirate out on the Indian Ocean