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Autonomic Nervous System

by Scott
Medical term for joint pain.
Cranial nerve designated as X.
Commonly used drug that blocks muscarinic receptors. Commonly administered before surgery.
Sympathetic impulses will generally stimulate the kidneys to release this enzyme._________
After leaving the cord via the ventral root, preganglionic sympathetic fibers pass through a structure called "a white ramus ___________. ______________.
The sympathetic division is also referred to as this.
NE or epinephrine can have either an excitatory or an ______________ effect.
The ANS employs a two neuron chain to effectors. The cell body of the first is the ______________ neuron.
This cranial nerve stimulates many large glands in the head.
The nerves of this cranial nerve originate in the inferior salivatory nuclei of the medulla and synapse in the otic ganglia.
Receptors for acetylcholine. The effect of ACh binding to these receptors anywhere is always stimulatory.
The ___________ root ganglia are part of the sensory division of the PNS.
Individuals that rise too quickly from a supine position may suffer from this form of hypotension.
The parasympathetic is also called this division.
Drugs that block parasympathetic responses will do this to the heart rate.
Sympathetic fibers maintain blood vessels in a continual state of partial constriction called sympathetic or __________ tone.
Anticholinesterase drug used to treat Myasthenia gravis.
Receptor for acetylcholine (eponym for mushroom poison).
Craniosacral division: these axons synapse with ganglionic neurons located in the_________ ganglia that lie very close to or within the target. organs.
Adrenergic binding receptor.
These fibers release epinephrine. (sympathetic)
All sympathetic ganglia are close to the spinal cord, and their postgang. fibers are longer than their pregang. fibers. Write either "true or false".
Stimulated adrenal medulla cells release this catecholamine. (methyl group)
The cell body of the second neuron is the __________.
Regarding sympathetic segmental supplies, the spinal cord segment T5-T6 serves this organ.
All somatic motor neurons release this neurotransmitter at skeletal muscle synapses.
Strands of glistening white beads, the sympathetic trunks flank each side of the vertebral column. These are the ______________ ganglia.
With respect to the ANS, the somatic division lacks these structures entirely. (pleural)
ACh. releasing fibers are called these.
Third cranial nerve.
Another term for fainting.