Head of the Roman Catholic Church who became more powerful following fall of Romans Empire/ also the Bishop of Rome
In 726 AD, this emperor ordered all icons removed from the churches
First four books of New Testament
The Pope is the Bishop of this city
Cat has big feet and lives in the snow
Roman Catholic Church would not let these people marry
Church at Alexandria founded in the country
Brought Christianity to Ireland
Story that used events from everyday life to express spiritual ideas
Named Emperor by the Pope in 800AD
The split in the Christian church was known as the Great_______
Person who opposes use of icons
The area which a bishop was in charge of
Hybrid lion and tiger mix
Religious community where monks live and work
Person willing to die rather than give up his beliefs
Wrote much of the New Testament
The area a bishop is in charge of
Early Christian church leader/missionary
Along with brother Methodius, brought Christianity to the Slavs
Nero said Christians did this to Rome
After this Edict, Christians were no longer persecuted in the Roman Empire