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Fallacies Practice

The English Department is heavy in debt and losing money by the day. I suggest we should consider cutting our use of the xerox machine in the department.
If I don't quit my job now, I will be stuck doing the same work for another ten years, and the best years of my life will pass me by. I will then die bitter and filled with regret.
The guy behind me has a big crush on me. After class, I went to Starbucks for coffee and saw him there. I turned to my friend and said, "Oh my God, he's stalking me!"
Just like a moth to a flame, women will be drawn to you if you wear Axe body spray.
I once walked in to my Technical Writing class that had 26 boys and 2 girls and declared, "wow, it's all boys in here!"
You cannot live a happy life unless you get married.
The senator was close to losing the election so he leaked his opponent's cheating scandal.
If you want to experience fine dining at its best, go to Nobu in Malibu since celebrities frequently go there.
I used this appeal when I told my class how I spotted a UFO five years back. When they laughed at me, I said, "Can you prove otherwise? No? Then why are you laughing?"
Pirating should remain illegal because stripping people of their intellectual property is wrong on all levels.
The appeal Entertainment Tonight used when they asked Ariana Grande what she thought about Donald Trump's possible impeachment.
When my son refused to eat his veggies, I told him he better eat everything on his plate or else Santa won't bring him presents this year.
When I refused to join the gang, the leader told me, "You're either one of us or you're our enemy.
The appeal a homeless woman used as she held a "Help me. I'm hungry" sign. I gave her food. She threw the food back at me.
When the student asked me, "Is there a right or wrong answer?" I said, "It is your right to find out."
The politician said, "My opponent wants to strip you of your basic human rights."
After my haircut, I asked my mom what she thought of my hair and she answered, "It's different."
The appeal I used on my husband, who didn't plan to dress up for Halloween. I told him everyone at the party will be in costume, so he must dress up as well!