The immediate environment of an individual
Convenience availability factors, environmental ecological factors, physical limitations
Factors that, as helping professionals, we try to influence to lead to positive behaviors
Fast, instinctive, and emotional thinking
Obsessions, such as recurrent thoughts or images, followed by compulsions that elicit anxiety
To obtain an external reward for behavior, or to avoid punishment
A continuum ranging from cognitive unwell to cognitive wellness
Clinical diagnosis for depressed mood
Undertake difficult/impossible self-change task, experience some success in the beginning, ultimately fail, interpret failure as inevitable; with some adjustments they will be successful, renewed effort
Autonomy, competence/mastery, relatedness/social interaction
Humans possess an innate tendency to seek connections with nature and other forms of life
Social, personal, environmental, and economic obstacles to a specified behavior
The sum of influences that the surroundings, opportunities, or conditions of life have on promoting obesity in individuals or populations