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Westward Expansion

Treaty of Gudalupe Hidalgo,Stephen F.Austin,Abraham Lincoln,Dred Scott,Harriet Tubman,Underground Railroad,Manifest Destiny,popular sovereighty,sam Houstan,Jefferson Davis.
An abolitionist who tried to sue his owner for illegal slavery because he was bought to Illinois which was a free state.
President of the confederate state of america
Notion that the people of a territory should determine if they want to be a slave state or a free state
Treaty that ended the Mexican war
Escaped slavery in 1849 and became the most renowned conductor of the underground railroad
Belief held in the 1800s that americans had the right and the duty to spread across the continent all the way to the Pacific Ocean.
He was the first to establish a colony of American settlers in Texas
System that help enslaved African Americans follow a network of escape routes.
Became a member of the Morgan rifle Bridge.He was an american soldier and politician.
16th president of the united states.President during reconstruction until his assassination