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The Byzantine Empire

A deadly secret weapon similar to napalm
Byzantine emperor known for many legacies, such as a lasting legal code
Justinian's wife and trusted advisor
A design made with colored stones and small pieces of glass
Justinian acted swiftly against this armed resistance to his rule
The emperor who relocated the Roman capital eastward to an old Greek city called Byzantium
Number of years it took to build the Hagia Sophia
In 1453, Constantinople fell to these invaders
Holy image, usually a portrait of Jesus or a saint
The imperial capital of the Byzantine Empire
The church of Holy Wisdom
A statement of beliefs
As emperor, Justinian's power was this; unlimited
The bishops of the largest Christian churches
Sacred city to Jews, Christians, and Muslims
Language of rituals and teachings of the Roman Catholic Church
Father, Son, Holy Spirit
Title meaning father, or head of the Church
Language of rituals and teachings of the Eastern Orthodox Church
Constantinople's location bridged two continents, Europe and this continent
To change your religion
The head of the Eastern Orthodox Church
Formerly Constantinople, today this city
The width of the inner wall of Constantinople was as wide as this many horses
An important legal legacy of emperor Justinian
To cut off or exclude from the Roman Catholic Church
The name historians chose for the Eastern Roman Empire
The engineering marvel that protected Constantinople for over 1,000 years
Person who opposes religious imagery
Belief in one God
The modern day country where the imperial capital of the Byzantine empire was
Disagreements led to growing divisions within this church
Belief that is contrary to unaccepted religious doctrine
Trench filled with water
Priests in the Roman Catholic Church cannot do this, while priests in the Eastern Orthodox Church can
Because of this, Constantinople became a crossroad for trade between Europe, Asia, and Africa
The split in the Christian Church, 1054 CE
Someone who believes in more than one God
City and headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church