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Endocrine System

Gland and hormone which increases blood levels of calcium.
Hormone which causes development of secondary sex characteristics in males
Gland which produces the hormone that promotes maturation of white blood cells.
Hormone that stimulates gamete production and estrogen production by the ovaries.
Stimulates milk production
Hormone which promotes sleep
Gland which produces insulin and glucagon
Gland which secretes melatonin
Hormone secreted by the pancreas when blood glucose levels are too low.
Hormone secreted by the pancreas when blood glucose levels are too high
Glands which produce epinephrine, norepinephrine, glucocorticoids and others.
Hormone which causes ovulation, stimulates estrogen and progesterone production by the ovaries, stimulates testosterone production by the testes
One of two hormones which cause development of secondary sex characteristics in females, also causes maintenance of the endometrium.
This type of hormone can pass through the cell membrane.
Stimulates contractions during labor and milk ejection
Considered the master gland because it secretes multiple hormones, several of which act on other endocrine glands.
Hormone produced by the thyroid gland which decreases blood calcium levels.
Gland which produces calcitonin.
One of two hormones which cause development of secondary sex characteristics in females, also causes growth of the endometrium.
One of the pair of glands which produces most of the testosterone in males.
One of the pair of glands which produces estrogen and progesterone in females.