The decided-upon end product of a short-term or long-term task or set of tasks.
The ability to feel what others are feeling with them.
Messages sent/received through one’s tone, pitch, cadence, and clarity of voice.
The ability to feel what others are feeling with them.
One’s position on a team or part played in a group.
The mental, physical, emotional, or spiritual weight put on one from the involvement in various situations and roles of life.
Positive additions to an organization, individual, or task.
A characteristic of leadership in which you are directly accountable for specific spoken or unspoken tasks/people/jobs.
Skills (either naturally acquired or developed over time) used to reinforce or showcase an individual, team or group.
The decided-upon end product of a short-term or long-term task or set of tasks.
One who sees new opportunities in unlikely situations and takes them.
The natural ability to see or create many smaller items or tasks in the process of completing a goal.
A set time with an organized structure with predetermined topic(s) to discuss.
Willing to consider new ideas without prejudice of the situation, person delivering or people designing the idea.
A Characteristic of leadership; To always do what is right, be it in public or private.
A Characteristic of leadership; The ability to give others the support and ability to do whatever they envision.
A Characteristic of leadership; The ability to create or design an original or unique product or solution.
The way one is headed; The ability to assign tasks based on the group’s strengths/talents.
A measurable quality of accomplishment.