______ has become a waiting room for immigration into the US --Maria Sacchetti, WaPo journalist, 8/27/19, "Washington Journal," CSPAN
Sarah Huckabee Sanders is running to be its governor (abbrev.)
Ostrich's smaller kin --puzzles.usatoday.com
Layer between sea and firmer land
Injury, hurt --meriam-webster.com
One of two possibilities Paul Revere would signal
Flight, getaway --merriam-webster.com
If you’re in your ’70’s, phrases that define the generations that surround you: immigrant grandparents, “____________ and striving;” parents, “fighters” (Great Depression and WWII); you, “benefactors of the best economy the world has ever seen and favorable demographics;” your children, “won’t do better than their parents;” grandchildren, “facing over-population”
Level of government between county and federal (abbrev.)
Congregation's response: "most assuredly"
The mayor of San Juan, PR's repeated adjective for Trump
Mike and _______ teach how a married couple fight fair while Axel, Sue and Brick watch and learn (on tv sitcom now in reruns)
Southern State's Senate seat considered a toss-up in 2020 (abbrev.)
"Don't worry about avoiding temptation . . . as you grow _____, it will avoid you." --author unknown
Drawback, dilemma
"_____ ______: Closer Than North Dakota" --defining State mottos
". . . I am from a time when my mother went to the hospital and never came back;
when my ____ were in a box by the curb as we drove away.
I am from singing in the darkness of night
Putting myself to sleep with the sound of my own voice . . . ." --npr.org/2019/08/28/754698275/where-i-m-from-a-crowdsourced-poem-that-collects-your-memories-of-home
Woe is me" --dictionary.com
Slang for cool or hawt or fabulous --urbandictionary.com
Yemen to Iran direction (abbrev.)
(Elected) periods of service
Purchaser of Victor in 1929 --puzzles.usatoday.com, 08/26/19
_____ deported far more immigrants than Trump on an annual basis--possibly because _____ was preoccupied with the financial crisis and passage of the ACA and wanted to demonstrate toughness to the Republicans --Maria Sacchetti, WaPo journalist, 8/27/19, "Washington Journal," CSPAN
Second most vital human need (?)
"Look your best. Who said love is _____?" -- Mae West, great-inspirational-quotes.com
______ immigration is incredibly difficult if not impossible --Benjamin Johnson, Ex Dir, American Immigration Lawyers Assoc, 8/27/19, "Washington Journal," CSPAN
Excerpt from song "_____:" ". . . Nobody teaches you how to reminisce
Nobody teaches you to hurt like this Then we _____ Into the arms of someone else . . . . No more coked up, broke, nocturnal kids Was that ever even us, do we know what we missed Nobody teaches you how to win big Nobody said there's no reverse on this . . . . " --James Bay, singer, songlyrics.com
Former position of Kamala Harris (abbrev.)
Up 1% in last year; down 6% in last month --google.finance, 08/28/19
Moroccan, Muslim in early Portugal/Spain, Shakespeare's Othello --britannica.com
___ 'N' (65 ACROSS), a water ride