This is a rod-shaped bacterium.
_____ is a blood test that confirms the presence of antibodies developed by the body's immune system in response to an initial HIV infection
Is a substance, such as iodine, that can intensify or deepen the response a specimen has to a stain.
This is a blood test used to confirm enzyme-linked immunosorbent assey test results for HIV infection
These are gelatin-like substances derived from seaweed that gives a culture medium its semisolid consistency.
What is the abbreviation for Methicillin/oxacillin-resistant S. aureus.
Is a spiral-shaped bacterium
_____ agent is a living microorganism or its toxin that may cause human disease.
______ differ from other bacteria in the structure of their walls. This is caused by a venereal disease, eye disease, pneumonia and heart disease
____ mount is a type of mount used when a physician suspects a patient has a fungal infection of the skin, nails, or hair and to which potassium hydroxide is added to dissolve the keratin in cell walls.
What is the abbreviation for vancomycin resistant S aureus
This is able to adapt to different conditions; in microbiology, able to grow in environment either with or without oxygen.
Gram-_______ is referring to bacteria that lose their purple color when decolorizer has been added during a Gram Stain.
What is the abbreviation for penicillin resistant streptococcus pneumoniae
______ are very small bacteria that can live and grow only within other living cells.
Gram-_______ is referring to bacteria that retain their purple color after decolorizer has been added during a Gram Stain.
To place a sample of a specimen in or on a substance that allows microorganisms to grow in order to identify the microorganisms present.
This is a distinct group of microorganisms, visible with the naked eye, on the surface of a culture medium.
In microbiology, a solution of a dye or group of dyes that imparts a color to microorganisms