________ control program is a component of a quality assurance program that focuses on ensuring accuracy in laboratory test results through careful monitoring of test procedures.
______ immersion objective is a microscope objective that is designed to be lowered into a drop of immersion oil placed directly above the prepared specimen under examination, eliminating the air space between the microscope slide and the objectives and producing a much, sharper, brighter image.
_______'88 is a law enacted by congress in 1988 that placed all laboratory facilities that conduct tests for diagnosing, preventing, or treating human disease or for assessing human health under federal regulations administered by the HCFA and the CDC.
________ microscope is a microscope that uses light, concentrated through a condenser and focused through the object being examined, to project an image.
What is the abbreviation for the Health Care Financing Administration
________ testing program is a required set of tests for clinical laboratories; the tests measure the accuracy of the laboratory's test results and adherence to standard operating procedures.
_______ sample is a specimen that has a known value; used as a comparison for test results on a patient sample.
_________ laboratory is a laboratory owned and operated by an organization outside the physician's practice
This is any irrelevant object or mark observed when examining specimens or graphic records that is not related to the object being examined.
This is an instrument that measures light intensity.
A congressional agency designed to handle Medicare and Medicaid insurance claims. It is formerly known as the Health Care Financing Administration.
This is an eyepiece of a microscope
This is a laboratory contained in a physician's office; processing tests in the Phyisicians Office Laboratory produces quick turnaround and eliminated the need for patients to travel to other test locations
________ assurance program is a required program for clinical laboratories designed to monitor the quality of patient care, including quality control, instrument and equipment maintenance, proficiency testing, training and continuing education, and standard operating procedures documentation.