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Musical Terms Crossword

The second highest voice part in a choir
How fast or slow a song is
A musical scale that is represented by a sad face
The musical word for "soft." It also happens to be the name of a black and white instrument.
A style of song often sung to babies when they are headed to sleep
4 of these notes put together make a dollar
The third highest voice part in a choir
A style of music sung in honor of someone's country or heritage
The part of the music that plays in the background of the melody
How loud or soft a musical piece is
5 of these stacked horizontally make a music staff
The highest voice part in a choir
A group of people who come together to sing
The way someone holds their body when they are standing or sitting. Singers need to have good ___ to sing well.
The part of the music you can sing along to
Something choirs do together to prepare their voices to sing
When a group of 5 individuals sing or play together
The HEART of music
The process of inhaling and exhaling air into the lungs
When a person sings or plays by themselves
A musical silence
A musical scale that is represented by a happy face
A musical sound