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Just Shoot Me!
Quick, unrelated jokes
Co-host of The Fighter and the Kid
A type of show welcoming new comics
Shot a gun off in the comedy store
Amys Dad in her first flick
His Netflix special was petitioned to be removed
Comedic performance, typically propless
Comic of the year and hello pilot
Ostrich Antagonizer, big social media presence
Rat King
The first Louie
Buddies with Lennox Lewis
Masshole, sold out MSG
Technique used to win over crowds
short routine
Everyone hates him
Required to attend a comedy show
No respect
Game show host; used to have an 80's haircut forever.
Smokes a lot. I mean a lot.
Legend, Jerk and Scoundrel
The top comic everyone came to see.
Has a tough time putting his shoes on.
She likes to dance
Bad night for a comic.
Monotone fratboy.
Way too happy. Probably stoned.
Not the Pro Bowl Kicker. The other one.
Never empty handed on stage, whiskey.
King Doug's Buddy.
Legend, Mets fan. Really, really rich.
80's Cop movies, city slicker, Yankees fan.
Started the Comedy Store, her son 'wheezes the ju-uice'.
Tells crazy gangster stories from the 70's.
Big guy. Southern accent.
He looks like an Eagle.
She gets a special every time she gets pregnant.
Hilarious NYC comic. Bill's buddy.
Legend. Prince. Cop. He's back!
Wears glasses, from Jersey.
Legend. Invented the silver pony-tail.
She took a lot of rRitalin as a kid.
He had to spend 30 Million in 30 days.
Where all the greats started.
When its time to perform, also a cable channel.
It's an app that everyone uses to watch shows, movies, comedy.
Mother Inferior. aka Jeans.
Used to tell jokes.
She does funny impressions of her family.
Clean comedy, always cheesing.
Mad TV. Tiger Belly.
A paid performance.
Madonna's friend's babies Daddy.
A mild, quick, laugh
Loves Iowaska and podcasting.
A really old millennial.
America's Dad that tells really dirty jokes.
His Mom wanted him to be a Nurse.
He owns an MLB team.
Heart attack waiting to happen.
Full Comedy Show of any length