Lots of Kiss owners also have these but these would rather run after the yarn ball than anything else!
A Good Kiss sitter or Yarn destroyer.
The kiss family is all of this
Small regular or large and I don’t mean Mc D’s
Origin of Kisses not species. Abbreviation
Uncomfortable in socks but ok in sweaters!
The latest shape of Kisses.
This word has two meanings in knitting in the U.K. so don’t get confused.
Some have 50 shades of this but we have 1000’s of other colours
Favourite kiss webpage especially after pay day!
A roaring Kiss success, you haven’t lived until you have kissed one!
Keep it simple was the principle ? of Kiss looms
KIsses do this in Belgium and the Netherlands
William Lee invented one to knit stockings on in 1589.
Why are we together? What is this all about?
? off! A polite instruction.
K1 P1 S1 but don’t drop one. Abbreviation
Needed in your diet but needed much more for any Kiss crafting.
Where are two lips Kissing in clogs ? abbreviation
Indecisive sound a kisser might make in the middle of a complicated pattern.
Mr ? The Father of Kisses.
All Kisses are made by this
There has to be one technical question so... what is the name given to the technique of soaking flax in preparation for spinning?
Could be used in a comment on Kiss Club
Go round if you aren’t skipping.