Before entering the vehicle, the driver shall make sure the vehicle can be moved safely by performing a Safety ___________ Walk around the vehicle.
Waste materials shall be ____________of in containers provided for that purpose
Employees not actively involved in the work process shall ____________ themselves in the clear of the work being performed.
When hazards exist in the workplace that may impact the safety of employees or the public, safeguards shall be maintained through the use of ______________, warning signs, lights, flags, traffic cones, high-level warning devices, barricade tape or flagger(s), etc., on approaches to these work areas.
Employees shall comply with the Southern Company Safety and Health Policy and all other applicable health and safety practices, _____________, and procedures. (Added: 3/2019)
Employees working alone shall conduct a JSB prior to _______________ each job.
All occupational injuries and illnesses, regardless of apparent degree, shall be reported to supervision without unnecessary delay. ________________ Management should be contacted for additional guidance as appropriate.
(B1) Each employee shall be familiar and comply with the principles in this manual that apply to the duties the _______________ may be assigned.
Work areas, including _______________ equipment, shall be kept clean, orderly, and in a sanitary condition.
Walking and working surfaces, such as aisles, steps, stairs, ______________, ladders, and passageways, shall be kept clear of obstructions, or slipping and tripping hazards.
Before driving a vehicle under or adjacent to ________________ equipment, especially in substation areas, the driver shall ensure that proper clearances will be maintained between the vehicle and energized equipment.
When the work process may expose others to _______________injury hazards, appropriate shields or barricades shall be placed around the work area.