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Freshwater Ecosystems Crossword

The uppermost layer of an aquatic ecosystem, where there is enough sunlight for photosynthesis.
This is the vertical flow of cold, nutrient -rich water toward the surface, occurring where horizontal currents diverge, or flow away from one another.
Of or denoting the area of a seashore which is covered at high tide and uncovered at low tide.
Photosynthesis cannot occur in this zone; it receives no sunlight.
Areas of a river which are frequently flooded are said to be within the_____.
____ measures the amount of salts dissolved in water.
Areas of land that are flooded with water at least part of the year.
This zone is farther from the shore, where there are no rooted plants.
____ is the shallow near-shore portion of the photic zone.
The very bottom of a body of water.
Bodies of water that are partly enclosed by land and occur where fresh water meets water from the ocean or inland sea.