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The Water Cycle

Teacher: Mr. Skiffington
Frozen pellets of ice that fall from the sky in winter.
White ice crystals that fall from the sky in winter.
Water that has been heated to a gas.
Frozen rain that falls from the sky during thunderstorms.
A large body of water that flows across the land.
A large body of salt water.
The process of changing from water vapor to water droplets when cooled.
The source of energy that drives the water cycle.
The process of water droplets or ice crystals falling from the sky.
A small body of water that flows across the land.
The process of water moving through the world by precipitation, evaporation, and condensation.
The gathering together of water in lakes, streams, rivers, and oceans.
The process of water turning into a vapor.
These form in the sky when water vapor condenses into water droplets.
A large body of fresh water.
Water that flows in streams and rivers into the lakes and oceans.
Water droplets that fall from the sky.