What was the popular dance last summer?
What did George always say?
What was the theme song for last year's ILE video?
What county is Scones from?
What is Miles' favorite dessert?
How many sisters does Miles have?
What US sport was invented in 1891?
The Aleutian Islands are part of which US state?
What did Robert always say?
Who does Casey talk most about?
What is the highest mountain in Ireland?
Michael always says, "Wicked ...?"
What is an ILE late night snack?
What is Angie's favorite movie?
What is Jaiden's middle name?
When you sit down to relax, what do you say?
Who has the best fish and chips?
Who has the best chowder?
Where do you go after the window?
Who is now sitting on the throne of the 7 Kingdoms?
What is the biggest lake in Ireland?
When Angie is cold, she is?
Who was the pregnant ILE counselor?
Who is the best bus driver in all of the land?