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Olympic Gods

Teacher: Ms. Dori
In myth, Atlas holds this with his head and arms
Athena breathed life into this
Monster dungeon
Aphrodite's lover
This Greek city is named for the goddess who protects it.
Sprang fully armored from her father's head
Led the Titans against Zeus.
Hephaestus had this disability
The first Greek woman. She was made by Hephaestus
The 100 armed monster that helped Zeus kill his father
This god knows how to throw a party
Poseidon created this animal for Demeter
Cronos did this to his children.
Son of Cronos
Brother to Zeus
Sister and Wife to Zeus
Also known as Cupid
The name of the war between the gods and the Titans.
He has a hot time as the god of the underworld
Dionysus was stitched into Zeus' _______
Heracles is one
Son of Leto, Twin
Prometheus shaped man out of this
Cyclopes provided Zeus with these weapons during the battle
Goddess of the Hunt
These three worked with Hephaestus
Hades' helm gave him this
Apollo's Island
Aphrodite's husband
Zeus was raised on this island
In art, Atlas holds this on his shoulders.
He's got wings