Any word or deed that may be the occasion of sin to our neighbor; malicious gossip; harming the good name or reputation of another.
Fatal, deadly, destructive to life.
The lifting up of the mind ad heart to God; conversation with God.
To forgive, to remit the penalty for an offense.
The Apostle chosen by Christ to be the head, or first Pope, of the Church He founded.
Sacred Scripture (the Bible) and Tradition which has sum of revealed doctrine.
1. The sufferings of Christ from the Last Supper until His Death on the Cross.
The offering of a gift to God by a priest on behalf of all the people, to adore, to satisfy for sin, to thank and ask blessings.
Any emotion or desire which spurs a person to action.
Esteeming ourselves as more than we are and desiring to be treated as more than we are; one of 7 capital sins.
__of Church, the commandments of the Church.
The rising of the body to be united with the soul at the end of the world; 2. (cap R) day on which Christ rose from dead.
To fulfill the law or obey the rules; to celebrate, as to observe a feast.
The belief that one can save himself without God's help, or that God's help alone will save without the efforts of the individual.
1. a string of beads consisting of 5 sets each of 10 sm. beads separated by 1 single bead and addition of crucifix and 5 more beads.
That to which a person has a just claim; what is in accord with the laws of God.
__saint, a special advocate before God selected by a person, country, town, diocese or group.
To decide; to make up one's mind.
To withhold forgiveness, to refuse absolution; the priest does when conditions not present for valid reception of Sac. of Penance.
The day on which the Holy Spirit descended
To give; also, to want to give.
Esteem, honor, high regard, consideration.
A very holy person, one who loves God perfectly, now in heaven, especially one who died with perfect love and didn't have to pass thru purgatory.
1. one of 7 gifts of Holy Ghost by which we are attracted to reverence God as Father and all others as His children, our brethren.