Build, make, or create something (such as an object, story, or theory) by using strategies, rules, or instructions to organize materials, ideas, words, etc.
Information about context, explanations of process, descriptions of learning, related stories, reflections, or other details in a written or spoken format shared by the artist to extend and deepen understanding of his or her artwork; an artist statement can be didactic, descriptive, or reflective in nature.
The process of making known one's thoughts or feelings.
Elements are visual forms used by artists in the creation of an artwork, such as line, color, shape, mass, size, etc.
Interrelated influences surrounding the creation and experience of an artwork, including the artist, audience, time, culture, presentation, and physical or virtual location of the production and reception of the work. Often divided into the larger categories of personal, social, historical, and cultural kinds of context.
Technique for the initial production of ideas or ways of solving a problem by which ideas are spontaneously contributed without critical comment or judgment.
Ideas, thoughts, schemata; art arising out of conceptual experimentation; emphasizes making meaning through ideas rather than through materiality or form.
Conceive and develop rich, original ideas; discover unexpected connections; and invent or make new things.