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Teacher: Dyer
Anterior chambers of the heart
# of chambers in the heart
Follows the caecum
Sac that encloses the heart
Hormones from pancreas
Posterior chambers of the heart
Tube shaped structure that connects the descending colon to the anus
Three sections
Large brown lobed structure that dominates the upper portion of the abdominal cavity
Large vessel that leaves the left ventricle of the heart
Divided into 7 lobes
Produces and releases digestive enzymes
Vascularized membrane that holds intestine together
Runs from the mouth to the lungs
Can be a site for production, stoage and elimination of blood cells
Where food enpties from the esophagus
Small intestine from stomach
Two major organs that dominate the thoracic cavity
Follows the ascending colon
Stores bile
Marked by the ileo-cecal valve
Small intestine section
Muscular divide between the thoracic and adbominal cavities
First part of the large intestine
Small intestine section
Exterior opening surrounded by a sphinter muscle