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Vaccine Competency

Competency FY2020
When administering an IM injection into the deltoid, the injection should be two inches or 3 finger breadths below the ____ process.
This disease has been blamed on childhood vaccines, rigorous scientific studies has deemed no link.
A 1inch needle is the recommend size of needle for IM injections for this age group
HPV is often associated with a vagal reaction. It is recommended to wait this many minutes prior to letting the patient leave the office.
This person should not receive the MMR vaccine
MMR, Varicella and Rotavirus are _____ vaccines
This vaccine is recommended for women up to 26 years of age and men up to 21 years of age
The acute, potentially fatal disease affecting the central nervous system is commonly known as lock jaw
This tetanus and pertussis vaccine is given in a series to those under the age of 7
The correct route for using a 23g to 25g needle
This vaccine is given to adults every 10 years
If giving MMR, IPV and HIB to a child, which one should be given last due to it being the most painful?
Any vaccine given 5 days or more prior to the minimum age or minimum interval are considered ______
There should be one ____ between prevnar 13 and pneumococcal 23
IM injections are given in this muscle for those under 1 year of age (2 wds)
A positive PPD result and no TB symptoms indicates possible ______ TB
HIB stands for Haemophilus _____ type B
Reconstitute and administer varicella-containing vaccine _____ after removing it from the freezer.
Injections in the same limb should be separated by this many inches
The needle gauge indicates this
This is the body's response to an antigen given via immunization
This tetanus vaccine is for those age 11 and above
Whooping cough
This vaccine needs to be kept in the freezer.
Federal law indicates you must give a current version of this prior to administering a vaccine.
Adults should receive a single booster dose of TDAP to replace one dose of ____
Also known as German measles
Vials should be cleansed with this prior to introducing the needle into the stopper.
If an adult needs both pneumococcal vaccines, which vaccine should be given first
This vaccine must be reconstituted with the diluent that comes with it.