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Chapter 16- Drug Therapy for Hypertension

This is the generic name for Diovan
The combination of an alpha blocker and a beta blocker
Alpha-adrenergic blocking agents
Toprol is the brand name for
Males on alpha-beta blockers have to be concerned with this drug having this effect
This is the brand name for nicardipine
A drug that slows the movement of calcium into the cells of the heart and blood vessels
Lotensin is the brand name for
Olmesartan is the generic name for
Coreg is the generic name for
The hardening of the arterial walls
Blood pressure when the heart is resting between beats.
The generic names for ACE inhibitors end in this
Is a serious adverse effect of taking ACE inhibitors.
The generic names of beta blockers ends with this
A patient with high blood pressure should not take this med that is in OTC allergy and cold drugs.
The generic names for ARBs end in this
Dangerously high and life-threatening blood pressure of acute onset
Altace is the brand name for
Plaques are formed inside the walls of the arteries
A substance or drug that lowers blood pressure
Accupril is the brand name for
Blood pressure when the heart contracts.
Zestril is the brand name for