Example of a target gene repressed by RsmA in GacS/GacA 2-component system
Biofilm formation is a result of which type of infection
Secretion system containing needle complexes that allows bacterial proteins to
be secreted directly into host cytoplasm
Maximum secondary metabolite production occurs during which cell cycle phase
Gacs forms a heterodimer with ___ during acute infection states
RsmA blocks ___ of target genes
Gac-box is located - ____ bp from TS start (roman numerals)
Phosphorylated ___ induces TS of rsmX, rsmY, rsmZ
P.a. uses ___ SKs as genetic switch for reciprocal
c-di-GMP ___ controls T3SS & T6SS
RsmA activates ___ genes - essential for biofilms
downregulation of aprA-lacZ causes cells to appear
rsmX, rsmY and rsmZ are small ___ RNAs
71% a.a. sequence similarity to RsmA
RetS mutant over produces
exopolysaccharides and ___
RsmA ribosome-binding site
Rsm system controls genes for antibiotics and ___
Chronic infections lead to a ___ in virulence
Example of a diguanylate cyclase that makes c-di-GMP
RetS ___ formation of GacS homodimers
Secretion system active in P. aeruginosa chronic infection of cystic fibrosis (CF)