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Respiratory System

Where the Trachea forks into each lung.
Piece of cartilage that covers the Larynx when you swallow.
Pause in breathing while asleep.
Where does cellular respiration take place?
Divides the left and right nostril.
Lack of oxygen in your tissue.
Pair of breathing organs in the lungs.
The organ that connects the nasal and oral cavities with the Larynx & Esophagus.
Small tubes that branch off of the Bronchi.
The tiny blood vessels in your Alveoli.
The cavity where the lungs sit.
The muscle that moves air in and out of the lungs.
Air sacs at the end of the Bronchioles.
Fluid build-up in your air sacs from altitude sickness.
Vocal cords
Spasm of the diaphragm.
Which lung is bigger than the other?