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Bio 8 Quiz

Teacher: Sharon Massey
Ankle bones.
What substance in your mouth helps break down starches?
What tube does oxygen go down to your lungs?
Organ that moves blood through the body.
Large bone in the upper arm.
The purpose of bile is to break down what in food?
Where bile is stored?
Organ that absorbs water and moves undigested food towards elimination.
The part of the peripheral nervous system that receives information from sensory organs.
What protects your lungs from food going down the trachea?
Tube that leads to your stomach.
Fingers and toes.
What carries deoxygenated blood back to the lungs?
The part of the nervous system that sends information from central nervous system to organs and limbs.
What protects the stomach from it's digestive acid?
The main function of the respiratory system.
Smaller thinner bone in the lower arm.
Cardiac muscle.
One of the types of muscle..
What carries oxygenated blood from the heart to all parts of the body?
The part of the peripheral nervous system that makes one want to flee or fight.
Where does food go after leaving the stomach?
Large upper leg bone.
The wave like motion that moves food from the throat to the stomach.
Bones in the hand
Shoulder blade.
What organ produces enzymes that assist in the absorption of nutrients in digestion?
What organ produces bile?